Drainage/Storm Water Management

Water management can create a large problem in the Lowcountry. There are several different ways to combat this problem. If you have standing water in your yard or at your business, we can help you come up with the correct resolution for drainage.
Some simple solutions would be extending downspouts, adding a drain box, raising the grade in a certain area, or adding permeable pavers. Not all properties will require the same answer but we have the knowledge and experience to solve a small problem or a very large issue.
Permeable paving involves the use of porous materials so to allow stormwater to infiltrate into the soil where it can be filtered naturally. The surface material itself can be porous such that water can drain across the entire surface: grass, gravel, porous concrete, and porous asphalt. Or, the pervious system can be comprised of impermeable blocks separated by spaces and joints through which water can infiltrate (known as, permeable paving).
Pervious paving materials include pervious interlocking concrete paving blocks, concrete grid pavers, perforated brick pavers, and compacted gravel. Pervious paving systems reduce water runoff and increase infiltration for firm surfaces such as patios, driveways, low-traffic roads, access roads, fire lanes, walkways, sidewalks, parking lanes, and overflow parking.
Pervious paving has been known to:
- Reduce and slow stormwater runoff
- Replenish groundwater
- Reduce flooding
- Reduce stormwater pollutants
- Reduce land and cost for development of retention basins
- Reduce thermal pollution
Permeable paving initially can cost up to 40% more than traditional paving such as concrete or asphalt; however, it can cost up to 25% less when considering all construction and drainage costs (California Stormwater BMP Handbook, www.cabmphandbooks.com). In addition, pervious systems last longer and are much easier to repair. Proper regular maintenance is important to its longevity and expected life span of 20-50 years. It is recommended to have quarterly vacuuming and/or power washing to prevent sediment build-up.
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