Low Voltage Lighting

Landscape lighting can reveal an entirely new dimension of your property and inject life into your landscape. Low-voltage lighting systems utilize minimal electricity to enhance your property at night while adding security. They are great for any homeowner that wants to highlight Oak trees, up-light part of the house, or brighten up a walkway.
Traditional lighting systems are inefficient and costly to maintain. However, landscape lighting systems are changing with the development of light-emitting diodes (LED). LEDs convert the majority of voltage into light, wasting very little in the heat. They produce more light per watt than halogens while maintaining great quality. They also do not need to be changed as much as halogens and since they don’t produce voltage drop you can fit much more lights on your system. Since low voltage lights such as LED use fewer watts you can expect to save money in the long run. The addition of a photocell or timer can help make your lighting system virtually care free.